13.6 启动外部命令和程序

os 包有一个 StartProcess 函数可以调用或启动外部系统命令和二进制可执行文件;它的第一个参数是要运行的进程,第二个参数用来传递选项或参数,第三个参数是含有系统环境基本信息的结构体。

这个函数返回被启动进程的 id(pid),或者启动失败返回错误。

exec 包中也有同样功能的更简单的结构体和函数;主要是 exec.Command(name string, arg ...string)Run()。首先需要用系统命令或可执行文件的名字创建一个 Command 对象,然后用这个对象作为接收者调用 Run()。下面的程序(因为是执行 Linux 命令,只能在 Linux 下面运行)演示了它们的使用:

示例 13.6 exec.go

// exec.go
package main
import (

func main() {
// 1) os.StartProcess //
/* Linux: */
env := os.Environ()
procAttr := &os.ProcAttr{
            Env: env,
            Files: []*os.File{
// 1st example: list files
pid, err := os.StartProcess("/bin/ls", []string{"ls", "-l"}, procAttr)
if err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("Error %v starting process!", err)  //
fmt.Printf("The process id is %v", pid)


The process id is &{2054 0}total 2056
-rwxr-xr-x 1 ivo ivo 1157555 2011-07-04 16:48 Mieken_exec
-rw-r--r-- 1 ivo ivo    2124 2011-07-04 16:48 Mieken_exec.go
-rw-r--r-- 1 ivo ivo   18528 2011-07-04 16:48 Mieken_exec_go_.6
-rwxr-xr-x 1 ivo ivo  913920 2011-06-03 16:13 panic.exe
-rw-r--r-- 1 ivo ivo     180 2011-04-11 20:39 panic.go
// 2nd example: show all processes
pid, err = os.StartProcess("/bin/ps", []string{"ps", "-e", "-opid,ppid,comm"}, procAttr)

if err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("Error %v starting process!", err)  //

fmt.Printf("The process id is %v", pid)
// 2) exec.Run //
// Linux:  OK, but not for ls ?
// cmd := exec.Command("ls", "-l")  // no error, but doesn't show anything ?
// cmd := exec.Command("ls")          // no error, but doesn't show anything ?
    cmd := exec.Command("gedit")  // this opens a gedit-window
    err = cmd.Run()
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("Error %v executing command!", err)
    fmt.Printf("The command is %v", cmd)
// The command is &{/bin/ls [ls -l] []  <nil> <nil> <nil> 0xf840000210 <nil> true [0xf84000ea50 0xf84000e9f0 0xf84000e9c0] [0xf84000ea50 0xf84000e9f0 0xf84000e9c0] [] [] 0xf8400128c0}
// in Windows: uitvoering: Error fork/exec /bin/ls: The system cannot find the path specified. starting process!




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