1. 首页




Vuex 是⼀个专为 Vue.js应⽤程序开发的状态管理模式。它采⽤集中式存储管理应⽤的所有组件的状态,并以相应的规则保证状态以⼀种可预测的⽅式发⽣变化。那么Vuex和单纯的全局对象有什么不同呢?

Vuex 的状态存储是响应式的。当 Vue 组件从 store 中读取状态的时候,若 store 中的状态发⽣变 化,那么相应的组件也会相应地得到⾼效更新。

不能直接改变 store 中的状态。改变 store 中的状态的唯⼀途径就是显式地提交 (commit) mutation。这样使得我们可以⽅便地跟踪每⼀个状态的变化,从⽽让我们能够实现⼀些⼯具帮助我 们更好地了解我们的应⽤。


Vuex 初始化

为什么在vue实例化的时候要传入store去实例化呢?那是为了让vue所有的组件中可以通过 this.$store来获取该对象,即 this.$store 指向 store 实例。

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// Store 待实现
const store = new Store({
  state: {
    count: 0,
    num: 10

new Vue({
  el: '#app',
  store: store // 此处的 store 为 this.$options.store


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const install = function (Vue) {
    beforeCreate() {
      if (this.$options.store) {
        Vue.prototype.$store = this.$options.store

Vue全局混⼊了⼀个 beforeCreated 钩⼦函数, options.store 保存在所有组件的 this.$store 中,这个 options.store 就是我们在实例化 Store 对象的实例。Store 对象的构造函数接收⼀个对象参数,它包含 actionsgettersstatemutations 等核⼼概念,接下来我们一一实现。

Vuex state

其实 state 是 vue 实例中的 data ,通过 Store 内部创建Vue实例,将 state 存储到 data 里,然后改变 state 就是触发了 data 数据的改变从而实现了视图的更新。

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// 实例化 Store
const store = new Store({
  state: {
    count: 0,
    num: 10

// Store 实现
class Store {
  constructor({state = {}}) {
    this.vm = new Vue({
      data: {state} // state 添加到 data 中

  get state() {
    return this.vm.state // 将 state代理到 vue 实例中的 state

  set state(v) {
    console.warn(`Use store.replaceState() to explicit replace store state.`)

由上可知,store.state.count 等价于 store.vm.state。不论是获取或者改变state里面的数据都是间接的触发了vue中data数据的变化,从而触发视图更新。

Vuex getters

知道statevue实例中的data,那么同理,getters 就是 vue中的计算属性 computed。

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// 实例化 Store
const store = new Store({
  state: {
    count: 0,
    num: 10
  getters: {
    total: state => {
      return state.num + state.count

// Store 实现
class Store {
  constructor({state = {}, getters = {}}) {
    this.getters = getters
    // 创建模拟 computed 对象
    const computed = {}
    Object.keys(getters).forEach(key => {
      const fn = getters[key]
      // 入参 state 和 getters
      computed[key] = () => fn(this.state, this.getters)
      // 代理 getters 到 vm 实例上
      Object.defineProperty(this.getters, key, {
        get: () => this.vm[key]
    // 赋值到 vue 中的 computed 计算属性中
    this.vm = new Vue({
      data: {

  get state() {
    return this.vm.state

  set state(v) {
    console.warn(`Use store.replaceState() to explicit replace store state.`)

使用 Object.defineProperty 将getters上的所有属性都代理到了vm实例上的computed计算属性中,也就是 store.getters.count 等价于 store.vm.count

Vuex mutations


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// 实例化 Store
const store = new Store({
  state: {
    count: 0,
    num: 10
  mutations: {
    INCREASE: (state, n) =>{
      state.count += n
    DECREASE: (state, n) =>{
      state.count -= n

// Store 实现
class Store {
  constructor({state = {},  mutations = {}, strict = false}) {
    this.mutations = mutations
    // 严格摸索只能通过 commit 改变 state
    this.strict && this.enableStrictMode()

  commit(key, payload) {
    // 获取事件
    const fn = this.mutations[key]
    // 开始 commit
    this.committing = true
    // 执行事件 并传参
    fn(this.state, payload)
    // 结束 commit  所以说明 commit 只能执行同步事件
    this.committing = false

  enableStrictMode () {
    // vm实例观察 state 是否由 commit 触发改变
    this.vm.$watch('state', () => {
      console.warn(`Do not mutate vuex store state outside mutation handlers.`)
    }, { deep: true, sync: true })

  get state() {
    return this.vm.state

  set state(v) {
    console.warn(`Use store.replaceState() to explicit replace store state.`)


store.commit 执行 mutations中的事件,通过发布订阅实现起来并不难。 Vuex中的严格模式,只能在commit的时候改变state数据,不然提示错误。

Vuex actions

mutations 用于同步更新 state,而 actions 则是提交 mutations,并可进行异步操作,从而间接更新 state

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// 实例化 Store
const store = new Store({
  actions: {
    getToal({dispatch, commit, state, getters}, n){
      return new Promise(resolve => {
        setTimeout(() => {
          commit('DECREASE', n)
        }, 1000)

// Store 实现
class Store {
  constructor({actions = {}}) {
    this.actions = actions

  dispatch(key, payload) {
    const fn = this.actions[key]
    const {state, getters, commit, dispatch} = this
    // 注意 this 指向
    const result = fn({state, getters, commit: commit.bind(this), dispatch: dispatch.bind(this)}, payload)
    // 返回 promise
    return this.isPromise(result) ? result :  Promise.resolve(result)

  // 判断是否是 promise
  isPromise (val) {
    return val && typeof val.then === 'function'


mutationsactions 的实现大同小异,actions 核心在于处理异步逻辑,并返回一个 promise



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<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  <script src="https://cdn.staticfile.org/vue/2.2.2/vue.min.js"></script>
  <div id="app">
    class Store {
      constructor({state = {}, getters = {}, mutations = {}, actions = {}, strict = false}) {
        this.strict = strict
        this.getters = getters
        this.mutations = mutations
        this.actions = actions
        this.committing = false
        this.init(state, getters)

      get state() {
        return this.vm.state

      set state(v) {
        console.warn(`Use store.replaceState() to explicit replace store state.`)

      init (state,  getters) {
        const computed = {}
        Object.keys(getters).forEach(key => {
          const fn = getters[key]
          computed[key] = () => fn(this.state, this.getters)
          Object.defineProperty(this.getters, key, {
            get: () => this.vm[key]

        this.vm = new Vue({
          data: {state},

        this.strict && this.enableStrictMode()

      commit(key, payload) {
        const fn = this.mutations[key]
        this.committing = true
        fn(this.state, payload)
        this.committing = false

      dispatch(key, payload) {
        const fn = this.actions[key]
        const {state, getters, commit, dispatch} = this
        const res = fn({state, getters, commit: commit.bind(this), dispatch: dispatch.bind(this)}, payload)
        return this.isPromise(res) ? res :  Promise.resolve(res)

      isPromise (val) {
        return val && typeof val.then === 'function'

      enableStrictMode () {
        this.vm.$watch('state', () => {
          !this.committing && console.warn(`Do not mutate vuex store state outside mutation handlers.`)
        }, { deep: true, sync: true })


    const install = function () {
        beforeCreate() {
          if (this.$options.store) {
            Vue.prototype.$store = this.$options.store

    // 子组件 a
    const childA = {
      template: '<div><button @click="handleClick">click me</button> <button @click="handleIncrease">increase num</button> <button @click="handleDecrease">decrease num</button></div>',
      methods: {
        handleClick() {
          this.$store.state.count += 1
        handleIncrease() {
          this.$store.commit('INCREASE', 5)
        handleDecrease() {
          this.$store.dispatch('getToal', 5).then(data => {
            console.log('total', data)

    // 子组件 b
    const childB = {
      template: '<div><h1>count: {{ count }}</h1><h1>total: {{ total }}</h1></div>',
      mounted() {
        // 严格模式下修改state的值将警告
        // this.$store.state.count =  1
      computed: {
        count() {
          return this.$store.state.count
          return this.$store.getters.total

    const store = new Store({
      state: {
        count: 0,
        num: 10
      getters: {
        total: state => {
          return state.num + state.count
      mutations: {
        INCREASE: (state, n) =>{
          state.count += n
        DECREASE: (state, n) =>{
          state.count -= n
      actions: {
        getToal({dispatch, commit, state, getters}, n){
          return new Promise(resolve => {
            setTimeout(() => {
              commit('DECREASE', n)
            }, 1000)


    new Vue({
      el: '#app',
      components: {
        'child-a': childA,
        'child-b': childB
      store: store







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