Source Code

ESLint is hosted at GitHub and uses Git for source control. In order to obtain the source code, you must first install Git on your system. Instructions for installing and setting up Git can be found at

If you simply want to create a local copy of the source to play with, you can clone the main repository using this command:

git clone git://

If you're planning on contributing to ESLint, then it's a good idea to fork the repository. You can find instructions for forking a repository at After forking the ESLint repository, you'll want to create a local copy of your fork.

Start Developing

Before you can get started developing, you'll need to have a couple of things installed:

Once you have a local copy and have Node.JS and npm installed, you'll need to install the ESLint dependencies:

cd eslint
npm install

Now when you run eslint, it will be running your local copy and showing your changes.

Note: It's a good idea to re-run npm install whenever you pull from the main repository to ensure you have the latest development dependencies.

Directory structure

The ESLint directory and file structure is as follows:


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